When Mr Lizhi Zhao, the CEO and Owner of the Acrobats of China, first brought the show to Branson 16 years ago it seemed like a strange fit, music shows, primarily country at the time, and a Chinese Acrobatic show. The years have shown however, that Branson audiences appreciate the skill, grace, uniqueness and quality of the show as it celebrates its 16th year in Branson at a new venue, the “RFD-TV Theatre,” with an entirely new troupe of performers, the award winning Jinan Troupe, who premiered for the first time in Branson on June 30.
Lovely Fish, Director of Sales for the show said, “While we’ve enjoyed other acrobatic troupes through the years, this is hands down the best we’ve seen yet!” After seeing the premier Branson performance of Jinan Troupe it’s easy to see why she feels that way and why they are considered to be one of the most skilled and highly awarded Chinese Acrobatic Troupes. Their performance was nothing short of incredible.
This from a man who has been seeing this show for about 12 of its 16 years in Branson. From the high energy, colorful and spirited opening to its curtain call, its 16 acts left me sitting in awe at the beauty, grace, talent, strength and daring I had just witnessed. And if that’s all there was that would have been enough, but it is all presented in a beautiful choreographed production that includes extremely colorful costuming, music, dance and theatrics for each act as the show smoothly transition from one act to the next.
The show truly has something for everyone, but the really neat thing is that the vast majority of it will appeal to the whole family. The Wright family’s comments after seeing the show illustrate this point. Mr. Wright said the show was, “Fantastic,” that his favorite acts were the “strength act” with the guy on the pole [The Human Flag Pole] and the Chair Stacking act and he would absolutely recommend the show for families. Their 12 year old son said that he enjoyed “everything,” his favorite act was when they were jumping through the rings [Hoop Jumping] and believes that other kids his age would enjoy the show as much as he did.
I would echo Mr. Wright’s sentiments. It is a fantastic show that will appeal to the whole family because of its color, energy, daring, skill and variety. Covering everything from juggling with machetes to a fantastic synchronized performance with the Diabolo, Chinese yoyo, to Multi Bowl Tossing from High Unicycles, Hoop Diving, Cycling and more; this show is one incredible entertainment experience.

Acrobat somersaulting through loop at the same time the one twirling it is jumping in and out of the loop.
My favorite three acts would be the “Human Flag Pole,” “Poles and Ropes” and the “Cycling” acts. Formally called, “Handstand on a Pole,” it is what some have described as the “Human Flag Pole ” because, at one point, the acrobat is perfectly perpendicular to the pole, held in a flag like position with only his two arms, skill and strength holding on to the pole. His display of grace and strength as he moves through intricate movements in slow motion being held up by just his arms was an audience favorite, is absolutely incredible and like nothing I have ever seen.
“Poles and Ropes,” is an exciting example of what these superb acrobats can do when their acrobatic and athletic skills are combined with their rope twirling It’s absolutely incredible and again, something I have never seen before. Oh yes, I have seen rope twirlers, but nothing like this. Most of us have seen someone twirl a rope and jump in an out, but until last night I never saw someone twirl and rope and as he was jumping in and out a guy comes out of nowhere, ok so he came from somewhere, and did a somersault through the same loop while he was doing it.
The “Synchronized Cycling” act involved six or more of the female acrobats performing a synchronized act on bicycles that was as beautiful and graceful as it was dangerous. The pyramid of nine girls as the base of four bicycles kept moving was amazing and this incredible act was topped off by “How many acrobats going around on one bicycle?”
There was no aerial silk act because they were in the process of installing the rigging, but when it is up it will make an incredible show even more so. If you want to see something unique, exciting, colorful, that the whole family will enjoy and in a class by itself, even among Chinese acrobatic shows, then you don’t want to miss these championship acrobats perform in this incredible production.
For additional information or tickets for the Acrobats of China please contact the Branson Tourism Center, one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services by calling 1-800-785-1550 or through its website, www.BransonTourismCenter.com