Is Pokémon Go actually Branson’s most awesome new show or attraction?

The Branson Tourism Center is one of many PokéStops in Branson.

The Branson Tourism Center is one of many PokéStops in Branson.

“Well, not really, but it’s not because it is not one of the most popular things people are doing while in Branson right now,” said Preston Garrison, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center, one of Branson’s largest providers of tourism services and information. “It’s because Pokémon Go is not a Branson show or attraction, but a new game people play on their mobile phones as they are out and about searching for a ‘Pokémon,’” he added.

Since being introduced, less than a week ago, the growth of Pokémon Go, a new augmented reality exploration game that is played on mobile phones, has been nothing less than phenomenal. It’s a game that requires players to actually leave their homes and search for “Pokémon,” and that’s a plural thing, as in their numbers stretch into infinity. As they travel around Branson, or almost anywhere else, their phone will signal when “Pokémon” are near which will generally be near a “PokéStop” or “Gym.” Players “spin” and get rewards such as Pokéballs which can then be used to try to capture a Pokémon. There’s a lot more to the game than that, but, at least initially, the main objective is to capture “Pokémon.”

The neat thing is that playing the game can be done as an activity in itself, or as many do, played in conjunction with doing other things and deciding if and when to respond to a Pokémon sighting when their phone signals. The Branson Tourism Center (BTC) is a PokéStop, as are, we believe, many of Branson’s shows, attractions, and businesses. Connar Dougharty, one of BTC’s Branson based Travel Planners, who is playing the game, said that many of the people checking into BTC are playing the game and that they have noticed people “driving through” the parking lot stopping to play.

So, while Pokémon Go is an extremely popular activity  it’s just another thing that Branson visitors can enjoy along with everything else Branson has to offer. One never knows though, there might be a Pokémon waiting as you pull into the parking lot of a Branson theatre or attraction, but even if there isn’t, there will be fun, adventure, and excitement.

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